Will this world be balanced without criminals? If there were only good people and no bad people, would this world be normal? I guess the Yin & Yang applies here as well. There must be a balance between good and bad people. It is hard to define good and bad; does it mean that a person who doesn't commit crimes are considered good? Is it the lack of awareness and education that lead to one committing a crime? The smart ones would exploit their knowledge by using other people to "earn" money for them while the ones that lack the knowledge would commit the crime themselves. Since there is some sort of balance between the good and bad, the bad would hurt the good and in return the bad would be punished and the cycle continues.
I would love to understand and know about criminal's mind. It is frustratingly interesting to know that these ppl have a total different mind from ordinary ppl. I doubt it's because of any mutations in their genes that caused them to be mentally so different. Maybe it could be due to their upbringing and the society they live in? This would be something that cannot be solved as long as humans exist on this planet.
I guess ones true personality is hidden deep within him/herself. You would never have guessed that your neighbour was involved in a gang robbery or someone you know did something really unexpected. Well, committing crimes are not the only bad things ppl can do. There are
countless bad things that one can do and they might never have realised or admitted they did something wrong ever in their lifetime. You might have faced many misunderstandings and complications in life but that doesn't stop you from being nice.
In my opinion, being able to share your heart with the world is a wonderful thing to do. If genies do exist, I wish that all the bad ppl in this world would realise their mistakes and turn over a new leaf. It is not easy to live without hatred or anger or sorrow, but with sincerity and kindness, all those wouldn't matter anymore. And that is why I always feel that animals are the purest creatures God ever created. They are nothing but creatures filled with kindness and love. Their mind is simple yet pure; they knows who loves them and who loves them not. They eat to live while most of us live to eat.
It is easier said than done, but it's not impossible. For me, the happiest and most satisfying thing one can achieve is self-actualization. Give and take doesn't always apply. Being able to give is a blessing; give your love to the world and make a change.